Hello and welcome to today's posting from innersound Ancestry. Today we will be continuing with Paulette's experience with Innersound Qi Treatment and the Innersound Ancestry Method. If you like this blog please take a look at Innersound Recharge
Innersound Ancestry Team
I decided to continue with Innersound Qi treatments and signed up for a course of five treatments. Each time after the treatment I felt quite shaken up and had to sit a long time in the reception before going home.
After a few treatments I asked why this kept happening to me and we had a deep discussion about the effect of karma and ancestral spirits. Although I am from a scientific background I had had many experiences in my life which made me believe in the invisible world. My most striking experience was during an opperation I was clinically dead for several minutes. During this time I had an out of body experience floating above my own body I could see myself and all the doctors and nurses even though I was unconscious.
So when we talked about life after death and the effect of ancestral spirits it made sense from my experince if not to my scientific mind. The following week I started doing 24 days Innersound Ancestry healing. As soon as I started I felt even more tired than usual and had very vivid dreams at night. After the third ceremony the tiredness began to lift and the dreams became less frequent. When I finished the Innersound Ancestry Healing I felt tired but happy and much lighter than before. I kept doing Innersound Qi classes and after a couple of months I realised that I was taking far fewer days off sick which was a great relief as I was in danger of losing my job. Even people at work were commenting on how much better I looked and how my work rate had improved. Having had such a good result from my first round of Innersound Ancestry healing I was really pleased that I had stuck it out, despite the initial difficulty, and decided to do more advanced healing. I can now say that after two years working with the innersound Ancestry Method that I'm back to fitness levels that I haven't had in over a decade. My thanks go out to all the Innersound Qi Masters who helped me through difficult times.
Paulette, Nurse, Devon