Saturday 28 April 2012

In my previous posts I have been introducing a little of the theory behind the spiritual practise of Innersound Ancestry. Today I would like to share someone's actual experience of the benefits of removing karma through ceremonial practise. I believe this really brings home how much we are effected by the spirit world.
 At Innersound Ancestry we are involved everyday with helping people remove their problems on a physical, mental or emotional level through respection ancestral spirits.
Here are the stories of some of the people who have been helped by Innersound Ancestry.

“Since I have finished the Innersound Ancestry healing I no longer have cravings for comfort food. I have stopped taking drugs fro primary sleep disorder and have begun to sleep properly, getting at least 3/4 hours most nights. This is the best amount of sleep that I have had in over 4 years. I had been getting as little as 8 hours a week.
My emotions are more stable and have been able to remember several unkind things that I did as a young child which caused me to cry a good deal during meditation.
Spiritually I am more aware of energy around me. I am doing everything mindfully, therefore less likely to cause hurt to anyone through careless actions or words. I am able to gather my thoughts in and reflect.
My family has noticed that I am more alert, look much healthier and am more like my old self”.
Lorraine, age 43, April 2010

“For the last 13 years I had to follow a very strict alimentary diet. I could not tolerate many foods such as dairy, sugar (jncluding fruit), beef, pork, tea and coffee, yeast and fermented foods, vinegary food, fungus food such as mushrooms…If I was to eat any of the above my body would slowly shut down. My vision would start to go, I would become bed ridden for at least 2 days with and feel irritable. At the beginning of the 24 days Innersound Ancestry healing I have had the incredible feeling that I could suddenly be able to eat everything again, in moderation. I have not looked back ever since and, although I have maintained a very healthy diet, I can eat normal food and enjoy meals with friend and family. I do not suffer anymore from any of these terrible symptoms I used to have.”
Julia, age 42, March 2008

“I was very unbalanced when I started the training. I realised how much my actual state of mind depended on my ancestors’ influence after my very first ceremony: a sense of lightness and calm took over from my anxiety and worries. I feel much more serene and happier now, I’m definitely sleeping better and I have realised that what we do with our lives will influence our future generations.

Innersound Ancestry Healing has improved my well-being but also made me discover my spiritual side. I feel I have a more defined purpose in this life”.

Marco, age 33, July 2009 

Testimonials like these illustrate very well how many of our problems come from ancestral karma.
Be it physical, mental or emotional it is our energetic inheritance that dictates our luck and our future.

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