Wednesday 9 May 2012


Here is another person's experience with the Innersound Ancestry Method.
We hope this inspires you to find out more.


Innersound Ancestry Team

I have had profound experiences as a result of the Innersound Ancestry Programme and I would like to share some of them with you. I commenced Qi classes at Innersound November 2009. After a couple of months, I remember feeling ‘not quite right’ in my body during one of the classes. This happened again in the next couple of classes. It was a strange feeling as I was physically fit and healthy but felt an unusual, almost uncomfortable feeling in my body. In fact, weird as this may sound, I wasn’t even sure if this feeling was me! Eventually I told one of the masters. He explained that not only does our body hold the memory and experiences of our own life but also those  of our ancestors and, in order to be completely clear, bright and healthy , we need to heal not just our own pain but also that of our ancestors. This made sense to me – if we can inherit physical features, such as blue eyes; we can surely inherit the non-physical, such as anger, depression, and low self-esteem? I signed up for the Innersound Ancestry Programme without delay. It made sense to me and felt absolutely right to do it. The basic Innersound Ancestry Programme would normally last 24 days but, as my mum had passed away in the previous 3 years, I did an extra 49 days for her. During the programme, I experienced some physical and emotional symptoms e.g. unusual tiredness, shortage of breath, mild pains in my head and a pain in my right foot. These would come and go and not last for very long. The masters explained that this was part of the ancestral healing process. Sure enough, as soon as the programme had finished, so did the symptoms.  Instead, I felt lighter and brighter in my physical body. I felt calmer and my usual ‘chatting’ mind was much quieter. I felt like I had vibrancy, vitality and a youthfulness that I had not experienced before or, if I had, I had no memory of it. It was fantastic! A few weeks after the Innersound Ancestry Programme had finished, I was still feeling the same and, one day, as I was walking down the street, I felt the most wonderful connection from within to something way beyond my human being. I felt a power and centeredness that I had never experienced. I ‘knew’ that whatever I asked for in that moment I would get – and I did, at the exact time I asked for it. I have since embarked on the more advanced Innersound Ancestry Programme. Who wouldn’t after this?

Ann, Manchester

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